Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Spring Break! Plus Update

Wow, I haven't posted in over a month, but it's ok. My fan-base is pretty small. I'm finally on Spring Break and am trying to enjoy every minute of it. I actually had plans to go to my best friend's house for a few days. She lives 3 minutes walking distance to the beach and it would have been amazing. My parents are very protective and this would have been the first time I was allowed to go do anything without them or a family member. That being said, one of the conditions of me being allowed to go is if my other best friend went with me. My parents felt a lot better that I'd have someone to be with me while my other friend was at school. I don't understand why there isn't a universal Spring Break. Everyone else had theirs like 3 weeks ago. Anyways, she couldn't go last minute, so I can't either. Really kind of ruined my break. I know it wasn't her fault, but I'm a little bitter, even though I know I shouldn't be. I've been planing this for weeks. But, I guess I have something this summer to look forward to.

Other than this, not that much is new. My family is trying to buy a house, so we'll see where that goes. We're looking towards a fixer-upper because those houses are usually a lot cheaper and we have the resources to make it beautiful :) My dad and his friends all do construction, so that's a plus. When we do find the perfect one, I'm sure I'll post pictures of the before/after.. if there are any. It will suck though, because we may be fixing up a house in the middle of the summer, which reaches over 100º easy.

So that's what's going on in my life.
BTW: I would have continued to do the OUAT recaps, but there aren't really any people coming on my blog. This is more of a vent/online diary that will be cool to look through in a few years. If people magically started coming onto here, I'd do them if they were wanted. I just don't see the need to spend so much time writing and such if hardly anyone is going to see them. That also applies to projects and such. If there were people requesting things and such, I'd pull out my sewing machine and tape measure and get crafty :)