Tuesday, October 23, 2012

PLL Halloween Episode

     Well, I haven't posted in awhile because I haven't gotten into the habit of posting on a regular basis...That being said I needed a topic and tonight was the Halloween episode of Pretty Little Liars and seems to be an ongoing topic between my friends and I. Let me just start of by saying it was SOOOO good!
      I can't believe we have to wait until January for the new episode O.o ... I can't get over how amazing it is. There is a twist around every corner and I can't help but wonder when Spencer,Aria, Emily and Hanna are going to realize that Toby is part of the "A" Team. All I know is whoever has a stab wound on their hand better cover that thing up..And how do the people at the Mental Hospital not realize Mona is sneaking out? Oh and the little girl was CREE-PY. I'm pretty sure it reflects the story of the last Halloween episode where Ali talked about the twin girls and how one killed the other. Also I'm so confused from the last part of the episode...I mean what the heck was the last scene? PLL with a zombie twist? I don't think that'll happen, but I can't help but wonder who that was and how exactly that situation will play up in January.. This is fun.. who knows I may just talk about a lot of TV on here, considering my life revolves around it :)

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