Tuesday, January 1, 2013


   It is officially 2013!! My family always stays up till midnight and this year was no exception. We didn't throw a huge party or go anywhere like usual. Instead we had a small barbecue and a few friends came over. Then we had a bonfire and just chilled. Everyone left before midnight so we came in and I sat in front of the heater and watched the 2012 recap thing they have on Fox :) My brothers and Dad played Battleship and it was a nice relaxing end to 2012 and a welcoming 2013.
   I don't remember if I said this in yesterday's post, but I will say it again just in case. I'm going to get a jar and write down whenever something good happens and next New Year's Eve I'm going to read them all. Other than that I don't really have a New Year's Resolution. I mainly just want to be more positive and have a REAL positive impact on at least 5 people. That may be too high, but I'm optimistic. I'm also going to try and make a conscious effort to do the 1 random act of kindness a week. We shall see :) Hope everyone has a fantastically amazing new year filled with many blessings and a lot of joy and happiness :)

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