Sunday, January 6, 2013

Once Upon A Time: Into The Deep

This episode starts off in the Enchanted Forest at the base of the beanstalk. As Hook jumps down off the beanstalk, Cora is waiting for him. She immediately asks for the compass, but Hook doesn't have it. Cora basically tells him that Hook betrayed her because he used her protection spell to climb the beanstalk. He replies, saying that their agreement still remains and he will get them to Storybrooke together. Cora then says she's tired of his games and asks, "Who bested him", which he says was Emma. Cora then tells him that he chose Emma and must live with the consequences, which he believes is death. Cora instead says he will have to live without ever getting his vengeance on Gold. Then after some more talking she poofs away in a purplish black cloud.
Turns out she's poofed (haha that's a funny word) herself to her heart drawer and takes one out of it's little chest. It appears to be surrounded by a plastic-like substance and she blows on it. As she blows on it many drawers come open and begin to glow red.
She walks outside and says, "Rise." Next thing you know all of those dead people, with their hearts ripped out, get up. Cora has created zombies!
Next Emma is showing a picture of Henry to Aurora and asks her if he is the boy in the room and she says yes. Then they start trippin and Snow says that she's been there too and didn't want to scare Aurora by telling her it was real and not just a nightmare. Then they realize they can communicate to Henry who can relay messages to Gold, because Gold will be the one who will know how to defeat Cora. Emma then tells Aurora she is going back to sleep.

Aurora must have went to sleep because we're in the fiery room and Henry is there. Aurora tells him she is with Emma and Snow they need his help. Then he shoots awake. He tells Regina and David that they need help stopping someone named Cora to get home.
Next Gold and Belle are eating lunch at Granny's. Granny makes a snide remark about dark magic and tells Gold she charged extra for the pickles. Gold just kinda snickers and tells Belle he has a complicated relationship with her. Then Regina shows up and Granny threatens to kick everyone out because I guess she felt a fight coming. Then Regina says they're civil and Gold says their not and reminds Belle that Regina was the one who locked her up for 20 years. Basically Regina says she needs help but Gold quickly replies that she won't get it. Then she tells him Cora is coming to Storybrooke and that he knows how bad that would be. Gold tells Regina he can handle Cora and that he won the last time. Regina tells him the only difference is that he actually has something to lose, referencing Belle.
Back in the Enchanted Forest, Aurora,Snow, Emma, and Mulan are walking looking for a place to camp when Mulan notices something on Aurora's arm, a burn. Mulan doesn't want her to go back to the room but Aurora says she got another chance at life and she's going to help.
Back in Storybrooke Henry is getting ready to go to sleep. Gold tells Henry just to listen to his bedtime story and places his hand on his head as he begins his story. As he's telling his story we learn the answer is a magic ink from a squid that's impossible to find unless you're a mermaid or Rumpelstiltskin. He tells Henry that there is a private supply of it in his old jail cell.
Back in the Enchanted Forest Aurora is asleep and Emma and Snow are talking. Then they hear something in the bushes.

Next Aurora is in the room with Henry. They can't quite communicate because something is going on and a voice keeps calling, "Aurora!". Then she gets sucked out of the room and Aurora is being awakened by Mulan.
There are a bunch of zombies everywhere! And turns out Emma can handle a sword and Snow still has skill with her bow and arrow. They yell for Mulan but she and Aurora are nowhere to be found. They start running and it goes to Aurora and Mulan trying to get away. Mulan gets tripped and they're rolling around a bit and then Mulan cuts off the zombie's head and Aurora is gone.
When they're in the clear Emma and Snow hear some rustling and Mulan almost takes an arrow. Mulan just says that they took her and Aurora is gone.
In Storybrooke, Henry gasps awake. He says that he couldn't deliver the message because Aurora was sucked out and says something is wrong as they notice a huge burn on his arm. Needless to say, they're shocked.
Then we go back to the Enchanted Forest and Aurora is being held prisoner in Cora's underground jail(if you can call it that). Aurora won't take food from Cora because she thinks it's poisoned and talks back to Cora. Aurora thinks the others won't come back for her, but Cora insists they won't let an innocent person die and they will come back for her. Then they start talking about Phillip(Aurora's true love) and she says she'd do anything to get him back. Cora tells her that when a Raith(I think that's how it's spelled) gets a soul the soul just travels to another land but that it can be brought back. Aurora looks enticed but then kicks her food and basically tells her to f-off and that she will never help her. Cora does her magic thing and knocks her out by throwing her against the wall.
Then she talks to this raven and tells it to, "Tell them" and it flies off.
 Emma, Snow and Mulan are walking and it comes and lands on Snow's shoulder. It squawks and Emma is confused but Snow says they have until sundown to bring Cora the compass or Aurora will be killed. How Snow can decode bird is beyond me, but it delivered the message.
 Mulan immediately wants the compass and brings up her vow to Phillip. Snow says to wait and come up with a plan to save her and keep the compass. They argue a little but Snow insists they think of something and says that she thinks she can go back to the room, now called the Netherworld, if she is under a deep enough sleep where her natural defenses slip away. She tells Mulan she needs the sleeping powder but Mulan used it all for the giant. The Poppy plant is rare in the Enchanted Forest, but they decide to go to a spot where it still grows.

Back in Storybrooke Henry is laying on the bed and Gold runs his hand over Henry's arm and heals him. Gold explains that someone woke Aurora before her soul was ready to return and the violent-ness of that hurt Henry. When he mentions it will take some time before Henry can go back David and Regina quickly say he will not go back. Gold says that he understands they're concerned for Henry, but if he doesn't go back Snow and Emma will not have any help and will be dead and if Cora comes through they will have a true monster on their hands.
Then David comes up with a bright idea and knows that Snow will be in the Netherworld. This means that David will have to be put under a sleeping curse to get there. Gold tells him that if that happens there's a chance that he won't wake up but he says that all Snow has to do is kiss him in the Netherworld and he will wake up. And he looks very serious about it too.  Errr see his serious face :)
Next we see a familiar, but blurry face and hear the words, "Wake up." It's Hook and he is releasing Aurora because Cora has denied Hook passage and his revenge and he is going to do the same to Cora by not letting her get the compass. Before she goes, Hook tells her to give Emma a message; "That the deal still stands.If she provides him passage back to her realm he swears he will help her find the dust that opens the portal." After she leaves he goes "Hmm".
While walking looking for the Poppies, Emma notices that Snow looks nervous and asks what the Netherworld is like. Snow says it's like being lost, wandering in the dark. And there's nothing to do but think about all the people you'll love and how you'll never see them again. Emma says it's her fault that Henry was there because she didn't believe him. Snow responds about playing the blame game and that if she never told Cora about Regina's true love,Cora never would have killed him, Regina would have never wanted revenge, and the curse never would have happened. She says trying to find ways to blame themselves will not get them home. Emma is doubting they will make it home but Snow reminds her to never give up. Then as Snow is walking away, Emma says, "It's Regina. That's who we should blame."

Back in Storybrooke Regina is putting together a curse. She tells Henry that Charming won't die under the curse; he'll simply be asleep. Henry says that he should be the one going back so David doesn't have to go under the curse, but Regina tells him that she and David don't agree on much but they agree that he is not going back. Henry says that David won't get back but Regina says if it's one thing she knows about his grandparents, they'll always find each other.
In the Enchanted Forest they have found a Poppy. 
Then it goes back to Storybrooke and Gold explains that he will fall under the curse by pricking his finger on the needle of a spinning wheel.

Then it jumps back to the Enchanted Forest and Snow is getting ready to go to sleep. She inhales the Poppy dust and falls asleep.
 David is getting ready to prick his finger but stops and asks Gold if he will be in the fiery room. Gold tells him that only people who have awaken from a sleeping curse go there and he is being put under a sleeping curse for the first time. David asks how he will find a room with no door and Gold says that is what they are depending on him to figure out and wishes him luck.

He pricks his finger...
 and falls asleep.
 Then David is in this place and there's low whispers and his reflection everywhere.
 Meanwhile Snow is in the fiery room yelling for Henry.
 Then David notices in one of the mirrors that the pendant around his neck is glowing
 As he walks it glows brighter and it looks like it burns him and he drops it. When he goes to pick it up he notices the floor is hot and below him is the fiery room. The jams the torch he has in his hands into the floor and it cracks and breaks and he falls into the room.
 In the room Snow and Charming realize they're both there.
 Charming tells her that it was too dangerous for Henry and that to stop Cora they have to get the ink in Rumpelstiltskin's cell. Then Snow realizes he is under a sleeping curse and Charming says that true love's kiss will wake him. He jumps over some flames and just as soon as they're about to kiss Snow begins to wake up. They can't kiss but Charming reminds her to have faith and that they will always find each other. Then she disappears and he is all alone.
Back in Storybrooke Henry is concerned because David isn't waking up. Regina tells him it'll be ok, but Regina and Gold exchange worried glances.

Then in the Enchanted Forest, Snow wakes up and realizes where she is and jumps awake. She starts saying how she needs more powder and has to go back to help David. Emma just tells her to have faith. Then they realize the compass is gone... and so is Mulan.
We see Mulan running but it quickly changes to Cora discovering Aurora is gone. In the chamber Hook is there. Cora puts him against a wall and is about to kill him with his hook but he tells her he has a gift for her and to look in his satchel. She looks in and seems pleased, but we don't know what it is.
Then we see Mulan running and an arrow hits a tree in front of her. Snow tells her that that was a warning shot and that the next one won't be. They fight a little and basically Mulan says she won't give up and Snow better be prepared to use the arrow.
Just as Snow is going to slice her throat, Aurora pops up.
When they ask how she escaped she says that Hook let her escape because of Emma and he wanted to prove to her just how loyal he was to her. BUT it turns out that those aren't her words....
 Yep, Hook took her heart and re-earned his trip to Storybrooke with Cora. And that is the end of the episode.

This one definitely got me a few times. First I didn't expect zombies or David to be put under a sleeping spell or Snow to go to the Netherworld. Then I didn't think the kiss wouldn't work. Beyond all I was shocked at the end when I saw Aurora's heart. Pretty eventful episode here.

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