Monday, November 19, 2012

Breaking Dawn Part 2

Let me just start off by saying Breaking Dawn Part 2 was awesome!!! I'm so sad that there are no more movies coming. That would be pretty cool if they made a TV show or something following the lives of all the characters (I highly doubt that'll happen, but I can wish for it) I'm not going to do a walk-through of the movie, but I am going to point out what I liked or disliked. So Beware! If you haven't seen the movie, stop now, because here come SPOILERS! By the way,sorry there are no pictures. I was too focused on the movie to stop and try to get snapshots :)

One of the scenes I was most anticipating from the book was where Bella and Emmett arm wrestled. In the book Bella totally won by a landslide and in the movie she looked like she barely won. It shouldn't have looked so evenly matched in my opinion.

I also loved it when Bella discovered Jacob imprinted on Renesmee. Her line "Nessie..You nicknamed my daughter after the Lock Ness Monster!?!" had me rolling. She was pushing Jacob around like he was nothing and Edward's satisfaction with how great she was was pretty amusing too. Renesmee's character was really good too, I think. Surprisingly, she does look a little like Bella and Edward.

When Jacob started taking all of his clothes off and morphed in front of Charlie I was laughing (and staring) haha. It totally freaked Charlie out and the look on his face and how he reacted was priceless.

Some people are complaining about the "alternate" ending, but I LOVED it! We all got the amazing fight scene we wanted and no one, except Irina, died. That was only for being a snitch with false information though.

The first time I gasped was when Carlisle got killed. That was truly shocking to me. Then there was so much other fighting going on it was a bit crazy, but I liked it a lot still and it gave a sense of confusion like the characters would have felt. Alec and Jane being killed were shocking to me as well (I was happy about it though). I never really liked them.

The part where the ground opened up and started swallowing vampires was crazy. I'd have been pretty scared if the ground just opened up and there was magma down at the bottom.I also like the tag team effort between Bella and Edward killing Aro and him coming to the conclusion that that would be his future if they chose to fight. (Thank God for Alice's visions.) I laughed at the look Aro gave his blond-headed brother (I don't remember his name) when he was still looking for excuses to fight. Aro gave him the dirtiest look, like "shut up". I also felt really bad though when the wolves were "killed". They're so cute and fluffy looking :)

Hmm I also liked Bella climbing up the cliff-side in the beginning of the movie. It was freaky, but cool at the same time. Another thing was when the Cullens were teaching Bella to be human, telling her to blink and act like she was breathing and such. Her forcefield/mindblock was cool too.

And though it is over, and I'm sad it's over, I'm very happy with the ending. It was a perfect way to run through the last 4 movies through Bella sharing her memories with Edward for the first time. I also liked the integration of the song Bella's Lullaby from the first movie. I really like the song Bella's Lullaby. I think it sounds so pretty and if I could play the piano I would definitely learn to play it. Actually, at one time, I had it as my ringtone, but it was so quiet I'd never hear it ringing, so I had to change it :/ Oh well though :)

So overall I LOVED the last movie and will definitely be seeing it again!


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