So first off Aurora, Snow, Emma and Mulan walk into the village and find this. Everyone's slaughtered o.O They think it's the Ogres, but Snow quickly realizes Cora's ripped everyone's heart out!
Next cut to Storybrooke where Charming is just minding his own business when Dr.Whale comes up and says, "We need to talk." Love Charming's response. I don't think he saw that right hook coming. He's not too happy that Whale slept with Snow back when they didn't remember anything.
Whale is being nosy and wants to know how to get back to their land and if it's possible. Once again Charming doesn't look too friendly and I think he suspects Whale is up to something.
Next Regina is talking to Hopper about her wanting to not use magic anymore. She also reflects on her past and how she came about using magic and such. Oh, by the way if there were Unicorns like this now, that would be so cool!
So then, Regina's just driving along minding her own business and guess what. Well someone pays a "friendly" visit.
Creepy, Creep, Creepy. If I saw someone staring me down like this, I'd be more than a little concerned.
Anyways, Charming took Henry to the horse stables so Henry can be a proper knight with his steed. Henry was happy for the horse, but didn't seem to thrilled at having to muck the stall and such everyday..babysitting according to Henry. I found this extremely amusing. Charming told Henry he'd be ready to ride when his horse told him. After Charming walked away Henry asked his noble steed if there was anything he wanted to tell him. His horse knows English very well :)
Well whadaya know. An empty casket. Looks like Daniel is really alive after all and Regina really isn't losing her mind.(She may though..who knows?)
Then it goes to Emma and Mulan talking about why one mysterious fella with one hand was not killed. Emma is very suspicious and knows there's a catch to his story. Something inside Emma snapped and she didn't like what this stranger had to say. As you can see.
I really liked the next part of this episode. I actually found it really amusing. Back in Storybrooke, Regina is creepin around in the hospital basement (I think) looking for Dr.Whale. It looked very spooky in there. She didn't even have a flashlight...
Next back in time Jefferson is taking Regina to see this wizard. The "wizard" says something about an experimental procedure that can possibly work. All he needs is a strong heart.
Cut back to the Storybrook basement and Regina is in Dr.Whale's office, which is trashed. She finds this...a nice severed lovely!
Followed by Whale on the ground. Ding!Ding!Ding! We found who's missing the arm!
Regina's compassion quickly transforms into anger when she asks him why he stole Daniel's body and a heart from her vault. He says he's brought Daniel back, but that Daniel is really dead and a monster..
Next we're back in the past and Regina is with Jefferson and the "wizard". They're in her castle and looking into a fireplace. You can hear the faint sound of heartbeats and her mother's heart vault is revealed. The "wizard" picks out a heart and then time jumps again to current day Storybrooke.
Charming, being sheriff, is questioning Regina about Whale and learns about Daniel being back and such. Then they hurry to the stables (where Henry is at) when they realize Daniel is retracing his last steps before he died.
Henry is there brushing his horse when his horse freaks out and kicks him.
Then Daniel appears and the scene immediately goes to Emma and the others tying up the stranger to a tree. Emma whistles to attract ogres. As they walk away he finally admits he's not a blacksmith. He's good ole Hook! They're still tempted to leave him for the ogres but Emma knows he's telling the truth about wanting revenge on Rumpelstiltskin. He also tells them Cora's plans for getting back to Storybrooke with ashes from the wardrobe and a magic compass.
Back in Storybrooke, Henry sees the blood and thinks he's hurt so he reaches out to help. This causes Daniel to have a flashback of being killed by Cora and he starts strangling Henry. He stops after he sees Regina but is obviously still enraged. Charming tells Regina to use magic to stop him, but she refuses. Then Charming starts to pull out a gun and Regina pleads with him to let her talk to him and help him.
Then we go back in time again where the "wizard" is about to do the procedure to bring Daniel back. After a big lightening strike and lots of thunder he comes out and says the procedure was a failure.
Ok Back in Storybrooke, Daniel starts strangling Regina and stops after she tells him, "I love you." He is himself for a moment but wants her to let him go so she can love again. He also says, "stop the pain". His mood snaps again though, and as he's about to strangle her again she uses magic to stop him and waves her hand, making him disappear.
They bring Hook with them to find the compass and he leads them to a ridge where they see this.
Next Rumpelstiltskin is showing another girl magic .After the unsuccessful experiment with Daniel, Regina decides proves herself, and rips the girl's heart out and crushes it.Then it flips back to Storybrooke where Regina talks to Hopper about having to use magic again. I find it amusing the way it's said. She says, " I used magic", but the way she said it reminded me of like a drug addict relapsing or something...
After this Rumpelstiltskin, Jefferson and the "wizard" are in the woods. It was actually just a plan to fake the procedure in order for this wizard to obtain a heart for his own personal experiment. Rumpelstiltskin also knew an unsuccessful procedure would cause Regina to become evil.
Then this shot: Just a normal everyday sight ya know? A one armed man, with a blood covered shirt, carrying a suspicious ice chest with God only knows what is in it. Not suspicious at all..
He actually meets up with Gold and wants his arm reattached. Gold agrees to reattch it, but only after Whale says he needs magic.Then voila! His arm is back. He calls him by a different name though... Victor.
Then it cuts to an ominous looking scene. A scary looking castle with lots of thunder and lightening.
Inside the castle an experiment is taking place. This "wizard" Victor is actually not a wizard at all, but a scientist named Dr. Frankenstein..
I really liked this episode. Man, truthfully this walk-through took FOREVER. Or it seems like it. Hope you enjoyed :)
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